5 yoga asanas for BACK PAIN
Yoga can also help you deal with chronic pain. If you are suffering from that annoying back pain, perform these yoga asanas to resolve back pain and ease discomfort.
Cat pose or marjaryasana offers an easy and gentle stretch designed to lengthen the spine. It especially helps relieve upper back pain. This pose also opens up the chest, lungs and shoulders helping you breathe better.
Position yourself on your hands and your knees. Make sure your legs are directly below your pelvis and your hands are directly below your shoulders.
Exhale and round your spine towards the ceiling. Lower your head at the neck gently. You should feel a stretch in your back. Hold this position for about five counts.
Now, inhale and come back to the starting position. Next, bend your back in the opposite direction, driving your navel to the floor. Point your head gently upwards.
Hold this position for a few counts, and come back to the starting position. About five repetitions of this pose help you feel better.
Try gomukhasana or cow pose to get rid of that niggling back pain. This pose is typically done by putting all your weight on your knees such that your upper body is erect helping you strengthen the muscles that support your spine. You can also stretch your spine with this yoga asana.
Bend your knees and place them on your yoga mat such that your upper body is erect and all your weight is on your knees.
Take your right hand and bend it at your elbows and place it behind your back.
Now take your left hand above your head while bending it at the elbow above your head. While placing it at the nape of your neck, try to grasp your right hand with it.
Breathe normally and bring down your hands to the starting position.
The downward facing dog pose stretches your entire body besides stretching and strengthening the muscles of your back. It is an easy to do asana that helps optimise the functioning of the lower back. Also, try bhujangasana or cobra pose to get rid of lower back pain.
Lie on your stomach on your yoga mat. Now, place your palms near your ears and point your toes downwards so that your heels are facing the ceiling.
Exhale and push off your hands such that your buttocks are pointing towards the sky. In this pose, you will look like an inverted ‘V’.
Now push back onto your feet so that they are flat on the floor. You will feet a stretch on your hamstrings.
Practice this regularly and you will get rid of your chronic back pain.
Child’s pose or balasana is one of the most effective asanas helps to relax and recharge the muscles of your back. This pose not only helps release tension from your back but also calms your mind.
Place your knees on the floor and rest your buttocks on your feet. Keep your back straight and your hands resting on your knees.
As you exhale and while using your hands as support, slide down and forwards.
While you are down, breathe in and out slowly and relax your entire body.
Hold this pose for some time, and rise slowly to come out of the pose.
The loscust pose gently stretches the muscles of your lower back and relieves back pain.
Place your head to one side, and your arms by your side, with your palms facing upwards.
Move your hands below your thighs, so that your palms are gently pressing into your thighs.
Now, place your chin on the floor and slowly tilt your head back.
Inhale and bend your head and torso towards the ceiling as much as possible.
Hold this pose for as long as you can hold your breath.
To return to your starting position, exhale and slowly lower your body to the floor.
Remember to rest your head on one side as you relax.
Marjaryasana or cat pose
Cat pose or marjaryasana offers an easy and gentle stretch designed to lengthen the spine. It especially helps relieve upper back pain. This pose also opens up the chest, lungs and shoulders helping you breathe better.
Steps to do the asana:
Position yourself on your hands and your knees. Make sure your legs are directly below your pelvis and your hands are directly below your shoulders.
Exhale and round your spine towards the ceiling. Lower your head at the neck gently. You should feel a stretch in your back. Hold this position for about five counts.
Now, inhale and come back to the starting position. Next, bend your back in the opposite direction, driving your navel to the floor. Point your head gently upwards.
Hold this position for a few counts, and come back to the starting position. About five repetitions of this pose help you feel better.
Gomukhasana or cow pose
Try gomukhasana or cow pose to get rid of that niggling back pain. This pose is typically done by putting all your weight on your knees such that your upper body is erect helping you strengthen the muscles that support your spine. You can also stretch your spine with this yoga asana.
Steps to do the asana:
Bend your knees and place them on your yoga mat such that your upper body is erect and all your weight is on your knees.
Take your right hand and bend it at your elbows and place it behind your back.
Now take your left hand above your head while bending it at the elbow above your head. While placing it at the nape of your neck, try to grasp your right hand with it.
Breathe normally and bring down your hands to the starting position.
Adho mukho svanasana or downward facing dog
The downward facing dog pose stretches your entire body besides stretching and strengthening the muscles of your back. It is an easy to do asana that helps optimise the functioning of the lower back. Also, try bhujangasana or cobra pose to get rid of lower back pain.
Steps to do the pose:
Lie on your stomach on your yoga mat. Now, place your palms near your ears and point your toes downwards so that your heels are facing the ceiling.
Exhale and push off your hands such that your buttocks are pointing towards the sky. In this pose, you will look like an inverted ‘V’.
Now push back onto your feet so that they are flat on the floor. You will feet a stretch on your hamstrings.
Practice this regularly and you will get rid of your chronic back pain.
Balasana or child’s pose
Child’s pose or balasana is one of the most effective asanas helps to relax and recharge the muscles of your back. This pose not only helps release tension from your back but also calms your mind.
Steps to do the asana:
Place your knees on the floor and rest your buttocks on your feet. Keep your back straight and your hands resting on your knees.
As you exhale and while using your hands as support, slide down and forwards.
While you are down, breathe in and out slowly and relax your entire body.
Hold this pose for some time, and rise slowly to come out of the pose.
Shalabhasana or locust pose
The loscust pose gently stretches the muscles of your lower back and relieves back pain.
Steps to do the asana:
Lie down with your tummy on the floor or your yoga mat.Place your head to one side, and your arms by your side, with your palms facing upwards.
Move your hands below your thighs, so that your palms are gently pressing into your thighs.
Now, place your chin on the floor and slowly tilt your head back.
Inhale and bend your head and torso towards the ceiling as much as possible.
Hold this pose for as long as you can hold your breath.
To return to your starting position, exhale and slowly lower your body to the floor.
Remember to rest your head on one side as you relax.
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